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Antonio CaraDirector of CommunityDeNA Corp.

Antonio Cara has been in the game industry since 2009, working at the American branches of multiple companies based overseas including NIS America, Gravity Interactive, GungHo America, and DeNA Corp. In his first two years, Antonio worked through various departments including localization QA, customer service, development (quest writing), and community management. Antonio was ultimately put in charge of both community and customer support for all GungHo America titles, including Puzzle & Dragons and LET IT DIE. In January of 2019, he joined DeNA Corp. as an initial member of the new western branch where he focused solely on community and VIP/partner management. A new focus of the western branch of DeNA is helping other (primarily Japanese) companies develop and their go-to-market strategy. Antonio’s role in this endeavor is laying the groundwork for a western-friendly community strategy.


Connecting the Global Game Development Community