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Destiny ChescappioSkins Workshop InstructorAboriginal Territories in Cyberspace

Destiny Chescappio (she/her) is a member of the Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach with mixed Algonquin from Kitigan Zibi, and is currently an Undergraduate in the Specialization in Computation Arts program at Concordia University's Fine Arts Faculty in Montreal, Quebec. She completed her DEC at LaSalle College (2019) and has done an artist residency at her community's school, Jimmy Sandy Memorial School in Kawawachikamach. She has also previously worked with the Indigenous production company, Rezolution Pictures. Her artistic mediums such as 3D art, animation, graphic design, and digital painting, explore the themes of Indigenous Futurism combining the complexities of historical, modern, and futuristic topics. She has recently joined IFRC in AbTeC to further her practice in digital arts and Indigenous Futurism.


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