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Reed DevanyIndependent ResearcherReed Devany Writing Associates

Reed Devany is a technical program manager and independent researcher based in Dallas, Texas. He has spent the past year and a half studying the perception of sexuality representation across Western role-playing games, starting with his Master's Thesis - "Parsing the Paramour: How Players' Sexuality, Motivations, and UDO Influence their Romantic Decisions in Western Role-playing Games." Reed graduated from the Guildhall at Southern Methodist University in 2024 and has continued his research in partnership with the university. As a developer, he is committed to making and enabling games that champion sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) inclusivity and research-driven design choices. Reed joined the games industry after seven years in the high-performance computing hardware space as an operations director and vice president, during which he co-authored two global patents on improved data transfer between processor cores and served with numerous advocacy groups.


Connecting the Global Game Development Community