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Eugene ElkinGame DirectorSurvios

Eugene Elkin is the Game Director and Lead Engineer for Alien: Rogue Incursion. He is a software engineer with a professional mastery of graphics, animation, and VR gameplay. His decades of professional experience across multiple game types started with Nintendo Wii and Nintendo DS and extends through the latest generation systems and into VR. In addition to game development, Eugene has also worked in the government defense sector for a military simulation company and leverages his expertise in military weaponry and tactics into the games he develops. Eugene began developing for VR in 2013 after acquiring the DK1 kickstarter headset. He developed one of the first physicalized VR melee combat experiences - Oculus Maximus after pairing wired motion controllers. From there, Eugene joined Survios in 2014 where he has contributed to the development of many award-winning VR titles including Creed: Rise to Glory as the Senior Engineer/Project Lead.


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