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Elyot GrantFounder/CEOLunarch Studios Inc.

Elyot serves as the CEO of Lunarch Studios, a company he founded in 2013 after 14 years of hobby game creation. At Lunarch, he directed the massive open world puzzle MMO Islands of Insight, led puzzle design for Jelly Is Sticky, and created the award-winning strategy game Prismata. Elyot is also a man of three math degrees and many talents. He was 29th globally at the 2019 World Puzzle Championship, won gold medals in national math and programming competitions, and has held world records in StarCraft, Tetris: The Grandmaster, and several other games. He also received CRA's top award for Computer Science research in North America. Elyot is also a prolific puzzle creator. His puzzles have been featured on Cracking The Cryptic, Adalogical Aenigma, Logic Masters, 24-hour Puzzle Championship, and Grandmaster Puzzles (where his work was included in a best puzzles of 2020 collection).


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