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Mathias Gredal NorvigChief Executive OfficerSYBO

Mathias Gredal Nørvig is the Chief Executive Officer of SYBO, the mobile games studio best known for creating the hit game Subway Surfers. Originally joining the company as Managing Director in 2014, Nørvig was named CEO in 2017. He combines his management and consultant skills with philanthropic ambitions – with a passion for climate, water, energy, and nutrition.

Prior to joining SYBO, Nørvig was a management consultant at PwC and a deal team member in institutional investment rounds, as well as a founding member of Playing for the Planet and the Sustainable Games Alliance.

Nørvig is a board member at SYBO, Vision Denmark, NIMBI Gamelab, and Funday Factory (serving as Chairman of the Board). He additionally acts as an ad hoc advisor to the Danish government on creative businesses and growth, and co-authored a book, “Gaming for Good,” on how games can spread awareness and inspire action against global challenges.


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