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Jeff HannaSoftware Engineering ManagerNVIDIA

After having worked on many notable titles and franchises such as Agents of Mayhem, Saints Row, Red Faction: Guerrilla, Dark Age of Camelot, Air Warrior, and Planetside, Jeff ended a three-decade video game development career in December 2021. He hasn't gone far, though. He now works on the Omniverse engine and developer tools at NVIDIA, progressing from a senior software developer to managing a team of engineers. Along with bringing his Technical Artist skills to NVIDIA's innovative real-time 3D collaboration and simulation system, Jeff helps coordinate the TA community on He is a member of the GDC Advisory Board and sits on a curriculum advisory board for Purdue University. Every year at GDC he hosts the Technical Art Bootcamp and the Technical Art Roundtables. He was awarded an Autodesk 3ds Max Master award in 2007 and was named an Outstanding Alum of Purdue University's School of Technology in 2012.


Connecting the Global Game Development Community