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Sanjay MadhavAssociate Professor of PracticeUniversity of Southern California (USC)

Sanjay Madhav is an Associate Professor of Information Technology Practice at the University of Southern California, where he teaches several programming and video game programming courses. He is the author of Game Programming in C++, Game Programming Algorithms and Techniques, and co-author of Multiplayer Game Programming. He is also the recipient of the Information Technology Program's 2015 Award for Outstanding Faculty and the Viterbi School of Engineering's 2016 Dean's Award for Innovation in Teaching and Education. Prior to USC, Sanjay worked as a programmer at several video game developers including Electronic Arts, Neversoft, and Pandemic Studios. His credited games include Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault, Tony Hawk's Project 8, Lord of the Rings: Conquest, and The Saboteur. He continues to consult in the game industry.


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