Game Developers Conference (GDC) is part of the Informa Tech Division of Informa PLC

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Nickie MaxineCreative Director and Game DesignerSIDIA - Institute of Science and Technology

 Non-binary person, Mother, Neurodivergent, Creative Director, Game Designer, Researcher at Sidia - Institute of Science and Technology in Amazonas, Mentor and Speaker. She has been working for more than 10 years as a developer of digital and analog games, and carries in her professional background expertise involving areas such as game design, arts, engineering, technology management and natural sciences. Leader of national and international gaming communities, founder of the first Association of Game Developers of Amazonas - AGD, where she represents and contributes to decisions involving public policies at the national level, planning, developing and designing strategic actions with other state associations for the development and promotion of the local community. Leader and Producer of the event with the largest gender profile in the world: Women Game Jam and We Game Jam, in addition to being responsible for the creation and birth of an initiative in Amazonas, which aims to highlight the importance of Game Design beyond the industry - Naiá Games.


Connecting the Global Game Development Community