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Angus MolDirectorLeiden University Centre for Digital Humanities

Angus A.A. Mol is an Associate Professor at Leiden University's Centre for Digital Humanities and the Centre for the Arts in Society. Before studying the intersection of the past and play, Angus was a Caribbean Archaeologist, working on network science approaches and material culture, a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Anthropology, Stanford University, and Digital Strategy Coordinator at the Prince Claus Fund. Angus teaches Digital Humanities and Game Studies courses at Leiden. Together with Aris Politopoulos and other colleagues he is part of Past♥Play project and he leads Playful Time Machines, both are projects on how humans play in and with the past. Angus is active in VALUE, an interdisciplinary collective of archaeologists, historians, museologists and game designers who aim to share our knowledge and appreciation of the past through playful outreach projects, including RoMeincraft and Streaming the Past. He is also a member of the Leiden Ludic Collective, an Open Research initiative on play in all its diverse cultural and social forms.


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