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Joe MorrisseyGame DirectorThe Believer Company

Surprisingly, Joe Morrissey has never had to get a real job. Instead he's been having the time of his life telling stories in games for the last 25 years. Starting as a writer and designer in the infernal halls of Diablo 2 & Diablo 3, then to the sky high heroics of City of Heroes and the InFamous series, to more recently the brutal yet beautiful samurai adventure of Ghost of Tsushima. Currently, he's a Game Director at the Believer Company steering hard into the unknown. As a side hustle, Joe's selling his 3rd printing of his area control card game: Vye. As well as speaking at schools about game and narrative development along with giving talks at DigiPen, the Game Devs of Color, and GDC. Anything to get to meet cool people and talk games.


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