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Javiera SepulvedaQAKolibri

Javiera Sepúlveda is a Chilean manual QA with over a decade of experience in the video game industry. She is currently based in Germany at Kolibri Games, contributing to international mobile hits like Idle Miner Tycoon. Her career portfolio also includes titles such as DAZN, Westworld, and local projects like Sky Ocean. Volunteering with various NGOs, and helping organize multiple editions of the Global Game Jam and Women Game Jam in several countries, have been particular highlights in her extra-curricular activities. Most notably, Javiera is a co-founder of Mujeres en VG, a Chilean non-profit supporting women in the game industry. Through this organization she contributes to studies, talks, and workshops aimed at young girls aiming to enter the industry and professionals of all ages.


Connecting the Global Game Development Community