2025 Speakers
D. Squinkifer, Co-Founder, Soft Chaos
D. Squinkifer, often known as Squinky, is a Montreal-based trans and neurodivergent game designer, programmer, community organizer, artist, and musician with almost two decades of experience in the game industry. They have worked with studios at a wide range of scales, from over a hundred people to solo work on the award-winning game Dominique Pamplemousse, and also have an MFA in Digital Arts and New Media from UC Santa Cruz. Since 2018, they have had a passionate interest in the worker cooperative model, leading them to co-found Soft Chaos, the second worker-owned games cooperative to be formed in Quebec. They have been a co-organizer of the Queerness and Games Conference (QGCon) since 2015 and a board member of the QGCon Collective since 2021.