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You will be able to build your schedule with the GDC Mobile App. The GDC 2024 app will be available for download in Apple Apps and Google Play late February 2024.Sessions do fill up and seating is first come, first serve, so arrive early to sessions that you would like to attend. Adding a session to your schedule does not guarantee you a seat.
Winifred Phillips (Composer, Generations Productions LLC)
Location: Room 3002, West Hall
Date: Thursday, March 21
Time: 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Pass Type: All Access Pass, Core Pass, Audio Pass - Get your pass now!
Topic: Audio
Format: Session
Vault Recording: Video
Audience Level: All
Using numerous examples from her own musical scores for projects such as Assassin's Creed Liberation, Sackboy: A Big Adventure, Speed Racer, and The Da Vinci Code (among many others), award-winning composer Winifred Phillips will explore how composers can experiment with sound effects to make their music more unique and evocative. Sound design experts uses convincing diegetic audio assets to create the impression that all sound springs from the game environment. Music typically exists outside of that environment, but this does not preclude music from embracing diegetic elements. Phillips will explore how sound effects can be adapted to function within a musical composition. From environmental effects and animal sounds to the noises of machinery, technology, and other human activities, sound effects can evoke conceptual associations that help to support the narrative, while also infusing surprising novelty into musical scores.
Using musical examples from fourteen of her projects as a video game composer, Phillips will demonstrate how experimenting with sound design can provide quirky and inspiring sonic tools for game composers, while also enhancing overall immersion for gamers.
As a presentation that explores the intersection between music and sound effects, this talk will be accessible to composers, sound designers, and audio directors.