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Independent Games Summit: 'Atuel': How We Made a Surrealist Documentary Video Game

Pablo Quarta  (Narrative Designer and Producer, Matajuegos)

Location: Room 2005, West Hall

Date: Monday, March 18

Time: 1:20 pm - 1:50 pm

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Summits Pass, Indie Games Summit Pass - Get your pass now!

Topic: Independent Games

Format: Session

Vault Recording: Video

Audience Level: All

Atuel is a surrealist documentary videogame about a river that flows across Argentina's Cuyo Desert and how the global climate crisis is threatening its historical ecosystem. Created in collaboration with a team of documentarians, featuring real-world interviews with experts, and focusing on dreamlike portrayals of native species and iconic topography, Atuel is a poetic and meditative game that has gone on to win IndieCade's "Innovation in Experience Design Award" and has been exhibited at documentary festivals, art exhibits, and design museums across the world.

Matajuegos, the game workers' co-op behind the development of Atuel, break down the game's production process, dig into their approach to the documentary genre, and explain the art and design philosophies that made such a hyperlocal Latin American story stand out globally.


Attendees will come away with knowledge of design philosophies and production methodologies for approaching documentary and non-fiction videogames that center hyperlocal issues and identities as well as information about international festivals and alternative exhibition circuits interested in showcasing innovative projects within these genres.

Intended Audience

This talk is open to game creators of all knowledge levels and walks of life but is best suited to independent developers and artists who are interested in producing strongly stylized documentary and non-fiction games about their own hyperlocal issues and identities or working with documentarians and documentary research material.

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