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Souha Al-SamkariVice-PresidentTruant Pixel, LLC

Souha Al-Samkari is Vice-President at Truant Pixel, an indie studio based in Dayton, Ohio, a writer and voice director at First Bite Games, and a voiceover director at Red Spring Studio and Lunaris Games. She writes, directs, produces, and wears as many other hats as needed to get the job done. A former litigator turned game developer, in her 13-year career Souha has shipped a variety of titles—including Akash: Path of the Five, an otome-style visual novel, First Bite, a vampire visual novel, Runner, an anime-inspired VR shooter, and the recently announced Date Everything. She is passionate about voiceover and romance in games, and loves reality TV, good food, and traveling.


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