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Andy AshcraftGame Designer / InstructorGiantsdance Games / New York Film Academy

Andy Ashcraft has designed games since he discovered D&D in the early ‘80s in high school. He attained a BA in Design from UCLA but spent much of his time designing and playing games with his friends. He landed his first professional game design gig in 1994 after co-designing and hosting 60+ player LARPs. His work has been played on CD-ROM, Dreamcast, PS2, PS3, Wii, Nintendo DS, iOS, and on table-top.  He owns his own game design company, Giantsdance Games, and also teaches game design and interactive narrative at New York Film Academy. He co-hosted the podcast ‘Ethics & Video Games’ with his NYFA colleague, Shlomo Sher.  He lives in sunny Van Nuys with his very funny wife, Jackie Kashian.


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