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Richard DanskyFranchise Narrative DirectorRomero Games

A 25 year veteran of the video game industry, Richard Dansky has designed, written, or been a narrative director for numerous titles across franchises like Splinter Cell, Assassins Creed, The Division. Far Cry, and Hunt: Showdown. He has been a member of the advisory board for the Game Narrative Summit for nearly two decades, and also curated narrative content at East Coast Game Conference. In addition, Richard judges the annual Student Game Narrative Analysis Competition at GDC, which gives students interested in narrative in games the opportunity to present during the show. Richard previously worked in tabletop games and LARPs, and was a key contributor to White Wolf's World of Darkness, Trinity, and Exalted settings. In his spare time, he writes horror fiction, most recently the collection A Meeting In The Devil's House. He lives in North Carolina in a house best described as a library with a scotch bar.


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