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Patrick LeMieuxAssociate ProfessorUniversity of California, Davis

Patrick LeMieux is a media artist, game designer, electronic musician, and associate professor in the Cinema and Digital Media Department at the University of California, Davis where he co-directs the Alt Ctrl Lab. His research and teaching engage game studies, media theory, and art practice to explore the material practices and community histories of play, from speedrunning and esports to installation art and alternative control. Alongside writing, his art and games have been exhibited in galleries and museums internationally, from the Smithsonian Museum of American Art and MoMA PS1 to Babycastles and BarSK. He is the producer of the Every Game in This City podcast on the Idle Thumbs Network and is currently developing a series of small metagames like Triforce, a topological transformation of The Legend of Zelda, and the Octopad, an eight-player controller for the Nintendo Entertainment System.


Connecting the Global Game Development Community