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Rachel QuitevisVFX ArtistBeyond-FX

Rachel Quitevis is a VFX Artist from Dallas, Texas. Rachel had the privilege of exploring several disciplines of 3D art while contracting at Playful Studios, where she began her career in the video games industry. While at Playful, she shipped her first title, Super Lucky’s Tale for Xbox One X. At Gearbox, Rachel provided 3D and tech art support to the character and level art teams on Borderlands 3 and its DLCs. During the pandemic in 2020, Rachel returned to school to pursue real-time VFX under the instruction of Ashley Lyons of Gearbox Software. A year later, she completed her first VFX reel and signed a contract with Santa Monica Studio to work on God of War Ragnarok, in her first official role as a VFX Artist. Another year later, she accepted her first full-time role as an Associate VFX Artist with Blizzard Entertainment, working on the sunset Unannounced Survival Game, and learning how to develop VFX tools from the ground up. Rachel is currently a VFX Artist at Beyond-FX, a real-time visual effects outsourcing studio, where she is elated and humbled to be among dozens of amazing VFX artists. Beyond her passion for video games, Rachel is an amateur mechanic and fanatic of her 1990 Mazda Miata, award-winning dessert baker, musician, plant collector, bookworm, and dog-mom of Cosmo Squirrelbane.


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