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Alexander SilkinFounder & CTOSurvios

Alex Silkin is a software engineer with an extensive background in consumer hardware, motion controls, and software development. His resume includes stints at NASA, Microsoft, and the Information Sciences Institute at the University of Southern California (USC). Alex has been working in VR since 2012 when he joined a USC student VR initiative called “Project Holodeck” as the lead developer. This project developed an early roomscale prototype hardware and several games. In 2013 he continued this effort commercially by founding the company Survios, an award-winning developer of VR games where he serves as Chief Technology Officer. At Survios he has overseen the development and release of 8 VR titles, including Alien: Rogue Incursion and Creed: Rise to Glory in addition to console and AR ports. Over the years, Alex's interests have gravitated towards player centric systems such as input, locomotion, UI, and VR interaction.


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