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Charlie HarperProducer/DesignerGalvanic Games Inc / Co-op Kitchen / Lucky Tree Studios

Charlie Harper is a Game Designer and Producer based in the Greater Pacific Northwest. Since entering indie development in 2013, Charlie has donned numerous roles, demonstrating adaptability and a comprehensive understanding of game creation. Her journey began as a 2D artist at Whimsy Games, and most recently, they contributed to the successful launch of "Wizard with a Gun" at Galvanic Games Inc as a Producer. Currently, Charlie divides their time between artistic duties for Co-op Kitchen and design work for Lucky Tree Studios. Over the past decade, they have cultivated a diverse skill set spanning multiple disciplines, with a particular focus on production. Harper's passion lies in pushing the boundaries of gaming, aiming to evoke new emotions, craft compelling narratives, and overcome emerging technological hurdles. With a career marked by versatility and innovation, Charlie continues to be a dynamic force in the indie game development scene, consistently seeking to expand the medium's potential.


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