View, browse and sort the ever-growing list of sessions by day, time, pass type, topic, and format. With this Session Viewer, you can view session and speaker details for Game Developers Conference 2024.
You will be able to build your schedule with the GDC Mobile App. The GDC 2024 app will be available for download in Apple Apps and Google Play late February 2024.Sessions do fill up and seating is first come, first serve, so arrive early to sessions that you would like to attend. Adding a session to your schedule does not guarantee you a seat.
Daanish is a designer and animator who first got a taste of game development modding the original Doom as a teenager, and after a circuitous route through a few different careers, eventually returned to games and is now a 14-year industry veteran. With a degree in Computer Science and Animation, he enjoys both the technical and artistic sides of creating, and his varied background and expertise has led him into a wide array of hobbies and side-hustles including animating titles sequences for film and television, designing board games, and hosting the game design podcast "Someone Should Make This". He has shipped numerous entries in the Mortal Kombat and Injustice franchises, and his most recent release is STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor. He is currently working on a new Star Wars strategy game at Bit Reactor.